
Empowered Success Club

monthly membership for entrepreneurial women

Get inspired, get organized, and get where you want to be.

No matter what my goals were, the goalposts never stopped moving.

The truth was that I was…

  • Underpricing my work - because I didn’t know how to predict event costs accurately.
  • Constantly working - yet the money in my bank account didn’t reflect that.
  • Fighting with my husband - who felt that I was prioritizing my clients over him.
  • Ignoring my major accomplishments - and always chasing the next one so that nothing ever felt like enough.

But that was far from the truth. 

From The Outside Looking In, It Looked Like I Had It All Figured Out.

Postpartum depression dealt me a huge, terrifying blow. I became suicidal, and my husband had to quit work to take care of the kids…and me.

Eventually, the heavy clouds lifted and I started getting back on track with my business. But then I made a decision that cost me over a hundred thousand dollars. Feelings of defeat returned, but still, I pressed on.

As you might imagine - things didn’t work out as I imagined. 

When I had my first child - 7 weeks early - I had to discharge myself from the hospital to execute an event. During my pregnancy, I had found companies to cover the last 4 weeks of my pregnancy and the first 8 weeks after she was born - but her early entrance into the world had thrown all my plans off-kilter. 

Seeing my struggles, my husband was against having a second child. But I told him I could handle it. I had to continue running the business that was finally turning a profit and becoming what I had dreamt about for years.

This is my story. But I’m not the only one.

The wedding went viral. I won the countrywide Best Wedding award. (And I am the youngest to have ever done so.) It was everything I ever wanted. But I wasn’t happy.

Instead of celebrating and acknowledging what I had accomplished, I saw only the mistakes - the kind of things that only my team and I even knew about. I started going down a very dark road. I realized no matter what I did or what I accomplished, I never felt enough.

When I was contracted for the biggest wedding of my career, I was certain it would be a difference maker. I could walk away from the industry on a high note.

I healed my inner child, forgave myself for my mistakes, and forgave others for past hurts. I read self-revelatory books and started putting the lessons I learned into practice. I set boundaries and let go of certain relationships. I changed. 

So I - finally - took my work inward. 

I couldn’t find that place. So I created it. 

Women who are familiar with the pressures of being raised to serve and to prioritize everyone else’s needs ahead of their own. Women, like me, who constantly strive for unattainable perfection. Women who never feel like they are enough.  

I craved a place where I could be around these like-minded women. A place free from judgment, where we learn to love and accept ourselves. And grow together. 

Throughout it all, I kept thinking about how things could have been different from the beginning - if I had only known other women who understood what I was going through.

Empower Her Society is the place, where we remind ourselves that not only are we enough, we’re so much more.

We, as a community, have decided we will no longer stand on the sidelines or hold ourselves back from building the lives of our dreams. We are taking action and making moves. 

As an ESC member, you’ll receive lessons and resource for things like:
embodying gratitude
practicing meditation
setting boundaries
building confidence
creating a money mindset 
and so much more!

Empower Her Society is a community of entrepreneurial women committed to showing up for themselves and becoming their own best versions through weekly co-working sessions. 

Are you ready to start showing up for yourself?

Because you don’t have to do this entrepreneurial life alone. 

In this exclusive group of 10 women, we take accountability to the next level. With personalized 1:1 reviews and access to a supportive Telegram group, we work together to stay on track with our goals and push ourselves toward both personal and business growth — helping each other reach new heights.


As a community of entrepreneurial women, we come together to focus on building and scaling our businesses. Through weekly and monthly calls, we share what’s working, tackle challenges, and refine our strategies — so we can successfully grow the businesses of our dreams.


Empower Her Society is two-tiered. 

Sound like the open-hearted support and ongoing accountability you’re looking for? 

Request an invite and we’ll let you know when membership becomes available. 



“Jessie Khaira is a mentor I didn't know I needed, very friendly and easy to talk to. Being able to talk to others in the group with the same problems makes me feel like I am not alone with these thoughts in my business.


Want to get your hands on the planner now? 

Designed specifically for service-based entrepreneurs, it will help you stay focused and create a plan for where you want to be. AND it includes both social media content planning as well as monthly business planning! Basically, it’s everything you need in one convenient planner.

Get the planner that Empower her society members swear by. 


Her Society

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